Frequently Asked Questions
How to read listings?
Listings are sorted by most urgent and/or time-sensitive requests. When you read a listing, you will see the title that looks like this: ‘F(M01)’. Under the title, you will see the sum requested, how much of that sum has been fulfilled, and you can read more about the circumstances around the specific request. When you click ‘Contact Coordinator’, a drop-down section with the coordinators PayLah! QR Code and contact information will appear, and you can make your contribution to the listing through them. If you would prefer to make a recurring standing monthly contribution to migrant mutual aid, you can click ‘Contribute Now’ on our homepage and it will bring you to our Standing Solidarity Fund donation box.
You can also choose to filter listings by the categories below, to get a more customised view of our listings.
How are listings titled?
For example, if the listing is titled F (M01), ‘F’ is used as an alias of the worker’s name. ‘M’ corresponds with the type of need e.g. ‘M’ for Medical, ‘F’ for Food Insecurity, ‘P’ for Phone & Communications, and ‘A’ for Agent Fees. The number is the case number that we assign.
Why is the Excel tally different from the website tally?
Both the Excel spreadsheet and the website tallies are updated manually. Our coordinators update the Excel spreadsheet as soon as they can after receiving contributions, therefore, the Excel spreadsheet is always going to have the most up to date information. Our website is updated every 24 hours.
What happens to listings when they are fulfilled?
Once the need is fully met, coordinators will make a final QR code transfer to the workers, and send us the transaction history of all individual contributions received from members of the public. We safekeep all this data.
Fulfilled listings are moved to a different page. We keep them on both the website and the excel sheet for transparency and accountability. If you happen to contribute to a listing that was recently fulfilled, your money will be redistributed to the next most urgent listing.
What happens when the requested sum is not fulfilled by the deadline?
We send the total amount fundraised to the worker at the point of the deadline.
What is the role of the coordinator?
The coordinator has two important roles.
- The first is to help initiate fundraising and share listings on their social media platforms.
- The second role is to coordinate fundraising and update the public spreadsheet in the process. How does this work? Members of the public send funds to the coordinators, who update the public spreadsheet and keep records of all transactions received for accountability. When the need is fulfilled or the deadline is reached, coordinators make PayLah! transfers to workers via QR Code. This is important as it ensures workers do not receive funds in dribs and drabs from members of the public. We get payment proof from coordinators and workers to ensure the Transaction IDs match before we close each case. In addition, after the final transfer to the worker is made, coordinators send a record of all transactions received to our team for record keeping.
What are the payment processing fees if I contribute to the Standing Solidarity Fund?
We use Stripe, which charges 3.4% + 50 cents per successful card charge. This means that if you choose to contribute $100, $96.10 is received by us and will be redistributed to workers on our listings.
100% of all funds received (from both direct transfers to coordinators & contributions to our Standing Solidarity Fund) are redistributed directly to workers on our listings.
Nature of Need
ResetHow can I contribute?
- For contributions to individual listings
PayLah! our coordinators directly via the QR code on the Listings tab; or contact coordinators via Telegram for other ways to make a transfer to them.
- For contributions to our Standing Solidarity Fund
Make a one-time or monthly recurring payment to SSF via the PayNow QR code/phone number or make a direct bank transfer. Details on the right (or below on mobile). SSF contributions go to a dedicated bank account from which we disburse funds directly to support migrant workers (prioritising the most urgent cases) and our ongoing fundraisers. A small portion of the fund goes towards the admin costs of running this website (domain, server, etc) and logistics costs for events.